Trademarking, always important for protecting one’s brand, has become more critical for small businesses as the internet and social media proliferate great ideas across space. Unfortunately, most do not know how to register one. It can seem insurmountable; but it isn’t.
Elizabeth Townsend Gard and her daughter Sidne address this concern in Just Wanna Trademark for Makers: A Creative’s Legal Guide to Getting & Using Your Trademark. Return HC guest Elizabeth brings her trademark intelligence and energy to this interview with Dave as she discusses her book and background in quilting (which includes the highly successful Just Wanna Quilt podcast). In this discussion, you will learn more about what trademarks cover and gain insights into social entrepreneurship and small business. HCN is all about “answering your questions;” Elizabeth answers them for a basic step for anyone seeking to build a brand.
“Unless you register your federal trademark, no one’s going to know that you exist.”
-Elizabeth Townsend Gard
“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.”
-Simon Sinek