Here’s Show 197, November 20, my interview with Dan Nazer of the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) [Disclosure: I have occasionally made modest (remember: I am a law professor who makes $0 on projects like Hearsay Culture) donations to EFF]. Dan is at the forefront of the legislative battle over patent trolls/non-practicing entities/patent assertion entities, an issue that has been at the forefront of recent intellectual property battles. This highly controversial practice has been a recurring focus of Hearsay Culture, from both sides of the policy argument. In this interview, we discussed Dan and EFF’s efforts to curtail this practice and what it means for innovation and technology on a going-forward basis. I greatly enjoyed the discussion!
{Hearsay Culture is a talk show on KZSU-FM, Stanford, 90.1 FM, hosted by Center for Internet & Society Resident Fellow David S. Levine. The show includes guests and focuses on the intersection of technology and society. How is our world impacted by the great technological changes taking place? Each week, a different sphere is explored. For more information, please go to}