Bruce Cahan – Geography: Today’s GPS and Google Earth Boosters

Episode 49
August 27, 2007

Hosted by Dave Levine


Inspired by his own misfortune related to the use of spatial technology, Cahan turned to utilizing it effectively in our modern world. In 2007, Dave sat down with his fellow Stanford Fellow Bruce Cahan to discuss the evolution of spatial technology from early maps to Google Earth as well as geocoded spatial statistics in cities.

Today spatial technology has expanded even more with constantly updating GPS like Waze and tracking like Find My Friends from Apple. With the increased uses of this tech, how can it be used in our society? Does it overstep personal privacy? Can it be used to build and design eroding coastlines in the face of climate change? Tune in to find out.

“The devil is in the details… you don’t want to enable more merchandising and direct mail fracas… but at the same time there are infinity uses for this spatial concern… folks using spatial to find each other” – Bruce Cahan

“Technology is, of course, a double edged sword. Fire can cook our food but also burn us.” – Jason Silva

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Bruce Cahan - Geography: Today’s GPS and Google Earth Boosters
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Bruce Cahan

Non-residential fellow of Stanford's Center for Internet and Society.
Highly accredited, Cahan has been both a residential and nonresidential fellow at Stanford, co-founded and is the president of a nonprofit, as well as been a practicing lawyer. With his extensive knowledge on urban information systems Bruce Cahan has also started creating a high-transparency bank in order to make the banking  system safer.
Dave Golumbia - Guest
Dave Levine



Dave Levine is the founder and host of Hearsay Culture. He is a Professor at Elon University School of Law and an Affiliate Scholar at the Center for Internet and Society (Stanford Law School). From 2014-2017, he was a Visiting Research Collaborator at Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy. He is also the co-author of Information Law, Governance, and Cybersecurity (West 2019). A regular contributor to Slate, Dave has been published in leading newspapers, websites, and academic journals in the US and EU.


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