Idealism, Democracy, and the Future of Cyberlaw
The field of cyberlaw would not exist if it weren’t for Lawrence Lessig’s work in the late 1990s that helped make the Internet essential in our daily lives. As an extremely influential and captivating individual, repeat-guest Lessig reflected on his 2016 Presidential campaign, and what a corrupted hard drive and our campaign finance system have in common.
As one of the first guests on Hearsay Culture back in 2006: his early involvement helped launch the show and his endorsement paved the way for the 250+ guests and accolades to follow. It was therefore a very special day when Lessig did the show live at Elon University, in celebration of Hearsay Culture’s tenth anniversary. Enjoy this landmark show from 2016!
“We are the first generation to hand off to our kids a country that is worse than the one we inherited. We turn over a system that is radically dysfunctional relative to the one we had. I have got to be an idealist because I can’t live with the idea that we failed the kids we teach.” – Larry Lessig
“I learned long ago that winning doesn’t always mean you get the prize. Sometimes you get progress, and that counts. This lesson has been drummed into me for most of my waking life. When it comes to voting in America, I certainly believe.” ― Stacey Abrams, American politician and lawyer