The Weaponized Media: Storytelling in Today’s Polarized World

Episode 304
June 26, 2024
The Future of Bitcoin

Hosted by Dave Levine


Throughout history, storytelling has taken many forms, ranging from peaceful to nefarious. Today, journalism, social media, and online storytelling have become increasingly adversarial, reflecting a shifting dynamic in today’s culture and politics.

In this episode of Hearsay Culture Radio, we discuss this problem with return guest Annalee Newitz, author of Stories are Weapons: Psychological Warfare in the American Mind. Annalee’s background as a journalist and science fiction novelist offers a unique perspective on how people tell stories and how they can negatively impact human psychological states and, when amplified, threaten democracy. Dave and Annalee discuss the weaponization of stories throughout history, as well as their current use in fueling cultural tensions and undermining the very concept of truth.

“A successful PsyOp changes the fabric of your democracy. It changes your laws. It changes your election procedures. It changes the way people relate to each other, who gets hired, who gets given a mortgage, all of these things are affected by the kinds of stories we tell.” 

-Annalee Newitz

We are what we are because we have been what we have been, and what is needed for solving the problems of human life and motives is not moral estimates but more knowledge.

-Sigmund Freud

Lead Photo by David Matos on Unsplash

Headshot Photo by Sarah Deragon

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The Weaponized Media: Storytelling in Today’s Polarized World
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Annalee Newitz

Annalee Newitz writes science fiction and nonfiction. They are the author of three novels: The Terraformers, The Future of Another Timeline, and Autonomous, which won the Lambda Literary Award. As a science journalist, they are the author of Four Lost Cities: A Secret History of the Urban Age and Scatter, Adapt and Remember: How Humans Will Survive a Mass Extinction, which was a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize in science. They are a writer for the New York Times and elsewhere, and have a monthly column in New Scientist. They have published in The Washington Post, Slate, Popular Science, Ars Technica, The New Yorker, and The Atlantic, among others. They are the co-host of the Hugo Award-winning podcast Our Opinions Are Correct. Previously, they were the founder of io9, and served as the editor-in-chief of Gizmodo.
Dave Golumbia - Guest
Dave Levine



Dave Levine is the founder and host of Hearsay Culture. He is a Professor at Elon University School of Law and an Affiliate Scholar at the Center for Internet and Society (Stanford Law School). From 2014-2017, he was a Visiting Research Collaborator at Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy. He is also the co-author of Information Law, Governance, and Cybersecurity (West 2019). A regular contributor to Slate, Dave has been published in leading newspapers, websites, and academic journals in the US and EU.


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