Michael Schudson – Hearsay Culture Show #255

Michael Schudson – Hearsay Culture Show #255

I’m pleased to post Show # 255, May 13, my interview with Prof. Michael Schudson of the Columbia School of Journalism, author of The Rise of the Right to Know: Politics and the Culture of Transparency, 1945–1975. Michael is one of the leading media historians...
Michael Schudson – Hearsay Culture Show #255

Pam Samuelson – Hearsay Culture Show #253

I’m pleased to post Show # 253, April 29, 2016 my interview with Prof. Pam Samuelson of UC Berkeley School of Law and School of Information, on the Authors Alliance. Pam needs little introduction to Hearsay Culture listeners given her position as one of the...
Michael Schudson – Hearsay Culture Show #255

Ben Peters – Hearsay Culture Show #252

Get ready for one of my common (but not yet patented – too abstract?) barrages of new shows over the next few days. That’s what weekends are for – catching up on Hearsay Culture postings! So,to quote XTC – appropriately in this insane election...
Michael Schudson – Hearsay Culture Show #255

Dave King – Hearsay Culture Show #251

I’m posting this show on a Sunday night, with The Jazztet’s Another Git Together (Mercury SR-60737, 1962), playing on my turntable. This is an appropriate background — although, as my guest points out in this interview, music listening should be immersive,...
Michael Schudson – Hearsay Culture Show #255

Lorelei Kelly – Hearsay Culture Show #249

I’m excited to post Show # 249, February 26, my interview with Lorelei Kelly of the New America Foundation on technology and legislative decision-making. Lorelei has done unique, critical and groundbreaking working focusing on the collapse of substantive...

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