Jonathan Mayer – Hearsay Culture Show #231

Jonathan Mayer – Hearsay Culture Show #231

I am very pleased to post Show #231, March 4, my interview with Jonathan Mayer, Stanford Ph.D. candidate in computer science, author of Terms of Abuse: An Empirical Assessment of the Federal Hacking Law, and How to Fix It. Jonathan’s work focuses on one of the...
Jonathan Mayer – Hearsay Culture Show #231

Lisa Lynch – Hearsay Culture Show #228

I’m pleased to post Show #228, January 28, my interview with Prof. Lisa Lynch of Concordia University, on WikiLeaks and information leakers. Lisa has written extensively about the nature and role of information leakers in society today. Having interacted with...
Jonathan Mayer – Hearsay Culture Show #231

Solon Barocas – Hearsay Culture Show #227

Happy new year! I’m pleased to post the first show of the winter quarter, Show # 227, January 14, 2015, my interview with Solon Barocas, Postdoctoral Research Associate at Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy, co-author of the article Big...
Jonathan Mayer – Hearsay Culture Show #231

Stephen Turner – Hearsay Culture Show #226

For the last show for 2014, I’m pleased to post Show # 226, November 20, my interview with Prof. Stephen Turner of the University of South Florida on technological and scientific expertise in policymaking and democracy. Stephen has spent a career focusing on the...

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