Nato Thompson – Hearsay Culture Show #247

Nato Thompson – Hearsay Culture Show #247

As promised (at least via Twitter), I’m finally posting new shows for the winter quarter of 2016. First up: Show # 247, January 15, 2016, my interview with Nato Thompson, author of Seeing Power: Art and Activism in the 21st Century. Nato is an atypical but...
David Brin – Hearsay Culture Show #245

David Brin – Hearsay Culture Show #245

I’m pleased to post Show # 245, October 9, my interview with author David Brin, on transparency, reciprocal accountability, cyber-utopianism and the preservation of excitement in an age of cynicism. David was an early guest on Hearsay Culture, having been on...
Nato Thompson – Hearsay Culture Show #247

Andrea Matwyshyn – Hearsay Culture Show #244

This has been a crazy semester. Thus, I am delinquent in posting shows from this quarter. I am about to update the record. Let’s start with Show # 244, October 2, my interview with Prof. Andrea Matwyshyn of Northeastern University Law School, on the Digital...
Nato Thompson – Hearsay Culture Show #247

Jacqueline Lipton- Hearsay Culture Show #243

For the final of the July shows, I’m thrilled to post Show # 243, July 31, my interview with Prof. Jacqueline Lipton of The University of Akron Law School, author of Rethinking Cyberlaw: A New Vision for Internet Law. Jacqui’s work is well known to...

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